१. अर्थ सरोकार डटकम के हो ?
संस्थागत हिसाबले अर्थ सरोकार डटकम शुभम् मिडिया प्रालिद्वारा सञ्चालित आर्थिक समाचार पोर्टल हो । शुभम् मिडिया प्रालि कम्पनी रजिष्ट्रारको कार्यालयमा दर्ता भएको सञ्चार क्षेत्रसँग सम्बन्धित काम गर्ने कम्पनी हो । अर्थ सरोकार डटकम, डिजिटल पत्रिका २०७३ साल साउन १ बाट सञ्चालनमा आएको हो । पत्रकार सुरज प्याकुरेल यस डिजिटल पत्रिकाका सम्पादक हुन् । सुरज प्याकुरेल आर्थिक खोजी पत्रकारितामा रुची राख्ने आर्थिक पत्रकार हुन् ।
२. अर्थ सरोकार डटकमको उदेश्य के हो ?
पत्रकारितामार्फत जन-जनलाई जागरुक बनाएर नेपाली अर्थतन्त्रको समृद्धिमा केहि इँटाहरु थप्ने हाम्रो मुख्य उदेश्य हो । देशमा पटक-पटक परिवर्तनका नाममा जे-जति आन्दोलन र उपलब्धि भएपनि नेपाली जनताको आर्थिक स्तर माथि उठेको छैन । आर्थिक रुपमा देशमा थुप्रै समस्याहरु छन् । विकासको गति सुस्त छ । ‘लुटतन्त्र’ले जरा गाडेको छ समाजमा । देशमा चरम भ्रष्टाचार छ । नेपाली अर्थतन्त्रभित्र नदेखाइएका सत्य र लुकाइएका यथार्थ थुप्रै छन् । तीनै लुकाइएका सत्य र नदेखाइएका यथार्थभित्रको सूचना र जानकारी जनतालाई पस्कने हाम्रो मुख्य उदेश्य हो । ‘परिवर्तन’का लागि निडर, निर्भीक र निष्पक्ष पत्रकारिताको अभ्यास गर्ने हाम्रो मुख्य उदेश्य हो । अनलाइन, रेडियो, टेलिभिजन, र पत्रिकामार्फत जनतामाझ खबर पस्कने हाम्रो मुख्य उद्देश्य हो । समग्रमा आर्थिक क्षेत्रका हरेक खास समाचारको प्याकेज हो- अर्थ सरोकार । पाठक, दर्शक, स्रोतालाई जहाँबाट सूचना लिन सहज हुन्छ, त्यही माध्यमबाट सूचना, र समाचार पस्कन, रेडियो, छापा, अनलाइन, र टेलिभिजन सबैमाध्यममा उपस्थिति देखाएको एक पात्र नेपाली आर्थिक संचारमाध्यम अर्थ सरोकार नै हो ।
३. ‘अर्थ सरोकार रेडियो कार्यक्रम’ के हो ?
४. ‘अर्थ सरोकार टेलिभिजन कार्यक्रम’ के हो ?
पछिल्लो समय टेलिभिजन अर्को लोकप्रिय सञ्चार माध्यम हो । टेलिभिजनका दर्शकको संख्या निकै ठुलो छ । विशेषगरी खोजी सामाग्रीहरु हेर्नका लागि नेपाली दर्शकको विशेष रुची छ भन्ने हामीले बुझेका छौँ । नेपालमा आर्थिक बिटमा रहेरमात्र सामाग्रीहरु प्रस्तुत गर्ने टेलिभिजन नै दुइवटा छन् । यसमध्ये बिजनेश टेलिभिजनमा अर्थ सरोकार टेलिभिजन कार्यक्रम प्रारम्भिक रुपमा प्रशारण हुन्छ । प्रत्येक आइतबार राती ८:३० बजे, सोमबार विहान ७:३० बजे, प्रत्येक बुधबार ८:३० बजे र बिहीबार विहान ७:३० बजे बिजनेश टेलिभिजनमा अर्थ सरोकार टेलिभिजन कार्यक्रम प्रशारण हुन्छ । सोहि समय बागमती प्रदेशको राजधानी हेटौँडाबाट प्रशारित टेलिभिजन बागमती टेलिभिजनमा पनि अर्थ सरोकार प्रशारण हुन्छ ।
त्यसपछि हाम्रो कार्यक्रम देशका अन्य स्थानीय टेलिभिजनहरुमा पनि प्रशारण हुन्छ । चितवनको आभास टेलिभिजन, नुवाकोटको टिभी त्रिशुली, धनगढीको बाबा टेलिभिजन लगायतका स्थानीय टेलिभिजनहरुमा ‘अर्थ सरोकार टेलिभिजन कार्यक्रम’ प्रशारण हुन्छ । अर्थ सरोकार टेलिभिजन कार्यक्रममा हामी खोजी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत गर्छौँ । यस कार्यक्रममा हामी आर्थिक मुद्धाहरुको दर्शकका अगाडी अपरेशन गर्छौँ । हामी गर्वका साथ भन्छौँ, नेपालमा सबैभन्दा बढी हेरिने आर्थिक टेलिभिजन कार्यक्रम ‘अर्थ सरोकार’ नै हो । टेलिभिजनमा प्रशारण भइसकेपछछि हाम्रो कार्यक्रम ‘अर्थ सरोकार’ युट्युब च्यानलमा पनि प्रशारण हुन्छ । नेपालको सबैभन्दा बढी ‘सब्स्क्राइबर’ भएको नेपाली आर्थिक युट्युब च्यानल पनि ‘अर्थ सरोकार’ नै हो । अर्थ सरोकार टेलिभिजन कार्यक्रम सानो तर अनुभवी समूहले तयार गरेको कार्यक्रम हो ।
५. अर्थ सरोकार खोज पत्रिका के हो ?
देशमा थुप्रै पत्रका वा म्यागजिनहरु निस्किन्छन् । तर दुःखको कुरा, थोरै म्यागजिनहरु वा पत्रिकाहरुमात्र पूरै पढिन्छन् । कतिपय यस्ता पत्रिकाहरु बर्गीकरणको पैसा आउँछ भनेर मात्र निस्किन्छन्, कतिपय पत्रिकाहरु विज्ञापन छाप्नकै लागिमात्र छापिन्छन् । बजारमा यस्ता थोरै पत्रिकाहरुमात्र छन्, जसलाई किनेर तपाईंले फुर्सदमा पढ्नुहुन्छ । त्यहाँबाट केहि सिक्नुहुन्छ । र सिकाइको श्रेय उक्त पत्रिकालाई दिनुहुन्छ । हामी यस्तै सिकाइको माध्यम बन्न चाहान्छौँ । हरेक ३ महिनामा एक पटक आउने, तर आएपछि अर्को तीन महिनाको पर्खाइ हुनेगरी आउने हाम्रो योजना हो । बरु ढिलो आउने, आएपछि कडागरी आउने सोचका साथ हामीले अर्थ सरोकार खोज पत्रिका बजारमा ल्याईरहेकाछौं । हरेक अंकमा एउटामात्र विषय समेट्ने तर उक्त विषयको सतहसम्मै पुगेर उक्त खोजी सामाग्री जनतामाझ पस्कने उद्देश्य बोकेर हामी बजारमा उपस्थित छौं । र गर्वका साथ भन्छौँ नेपालमा रहेका आर्थिक त्रैमासिक पत्रिकाहरुमध्ये हामी नम्बर १ पत्रिका भइसकेका छौँ ।

विभिन्न अनलाइन पत्रिकामा कार्यानुभव भएका प्याकुरेलले रातोपाटी डटकम र जनआह्वान साप्ताहिकमा आर्थिक ‘बिट’मा काम गरेका छन् भने पहिलोन्यूज डटकम मा आर्थिक ब्युरो प्रमूख र नेप्लिज टाइम्स मासिकमा प्रबन्ध सम्पादक भएर स्थापनाकालदेखि काम गरेका थिए । ऊनी हालअर्थ सरोकार डटकम मा प्रधान सम्पादक छन् ।

१४. अर्थ सरोकार मोबाइल एपमा उपलब्ध छ ?
छ । प्रविधिको विकाससँगै स्मार्ट फोन बोक्ने ग्राहकको संख्या बढ्दो छ । प्रविधिको यहि आवश्यकतासँगै हामी मोबाइल एपमा पनि उपलब्ध छौं । अर्थ सरोकार डटकमका सम्पूर्ण समाचार प्ले स्टोरमा अर्थ सरोकार मोबाइल एप्लिकेसन डाउनलोडगरेर समेत पढ्न, सुन्न र हेर्न सकिनेछ । एप स्टोरमा समेत अर्थ सरोकार मोबाइल एप्लिकेसन उपलब्ध छ । साथै हामी अन्य केहि चर्चित एपहरुमा पनि उपलब्ध छौं । कर सम्बन्धि सम्पूर्ण जानकारी दिने कर सम्बन्धि नेपालको सबैभन्दा चर्चित मोबाइल एप ट्याक्सपर्टमा समेत अर्थ सरोकार डटकमका समाचार पढ्न सकिन्छ । साथै नेपालका चर्चित समाचार पोर्टलहरु संकलन गरी बनाइएको नेपाल न्यूज स्टोर नामक एपबाट पनि अर्थ सरोकारका समाचार पढ्न सकिनेछ । सेयर बजारसम्बन्धि चर्चित मोबाइल एपहरु सेयर हब, नेपाल सेयर, हाम्रो सेयर, लगायतका एपहरुमा पनि अर्थ सरोकार उपलब्ध छ । नेपालमा सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय मोबाइल एप हाम्रो पात्रो र नेपाली पात्रोमा पनि अर्थ सरोकार उपलब्ध छ । अर्थ सरोकारले संचालन गर्ने विभिन्न तालिममा सहभागी हुनका लागि हामीले नेपालका दुई पेमेन्ट गेटवे खल्ती र इसेवासँग पनि सहकार्य गरेका छौँ ।
Currently, the online portal of Artha Sarokar is the most viewed economic news portal in Nepal, it receives more than 1 lakh views daily whereas the weekly radio program attracts more than 30 lakhs listeners every week. During the surge of the Covid pandemic in Nepal, a TikTok channel of Artha Sarokar was started to readily accommodate economic news bulletin to the viewers where the daily reach has exceeded 1 corer. Artha Sarokar has the most Facebook fans, YouTube viewers and Tiktok views out of all of Nepal’s economic news outlets, placing it at the top of all economic news media of Nepal.
Artha Sarokar has constantly worked to expose hidden reality in front of the public, adhering to the motto “Journalism for change.” Artha Sarokar stands out among Nepal’s other informative economic news outlets for offering its readers investigative and critical news material. This medium has been distinctive in providing research-based materials, whereas other economic media concentrate on providing event-based news.
- To bring out economic news content from the smallest to the biggest sources.
- To create a sense of equality in news media where issues of both poor and rich would be given the same importance.
- To bring a revolution in journalism.
- To bring out economic news content from all over the world.
- To start an audience-oriented economic news media.
- To provide investigative and research-based news content to the audience
- To deliver information on the business, insurance and share market.
- To provide training relating to the share market.
Starting of the journey
Mr. Suraj Pyakurel is the Editor-in-chief of Artha Sarokar. At present, he is also the presenter of the Artha Sarokar television program and radio program. Pyakurel started his journalism profession just at the age of 21. After gaining different experiences for 3 years he founded Artha Sarokar at the age of 24 to have freedom in posting news content and to broaden the economic news media of Nepal.
About the Founder
Pyakurel started his journalistic journey with Deshprem Weekly. He has experience working in various online newspapers like the economic ‘beat’ at Ratopati.com and Jan Ahawan weekly, he also worked as the head of the economic bureau at PrachnaNews.com and as the managing editor of Napliz Times monthly since its inception. From 2012 to 2014, Pyakurel worked as a producer and presenter of CA Sarokar, Nepal’s first and only program on Chartered Accountancy on News 24 Television, 2012 to 2014, and has also worked on TV Today Television for about 3 years. Pyakurel is currently working as a Managing Director in Shubham Media Pvt. He has been honoured twice by the Association of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ACAN) in 2014 and 2016 for starting ‘full bit’ journalism in the CA sector, and in 2019 he has also been honoured with the ‘CA Journalism Award’.
Motivation for the journey
Pyakurel wanted to have freedom and flexibility in bringing new information to the public. While working at Ratopati, he felt bound by the rules and lack of liberation in posting the news content he collected; therefore he decided to start his online portal which is now known as “Artha Sarokar” and became the youngest presenter in economic news media in Nepal. He got inspired by the name from a previous program called “CA Sarokar” that worked in. Pyakurel started the online portal for “Artha Sarokar” with the investment of Rs. 400 by which he bought a domain on a black Friday offer. He developed the online portal site by himself and got it registered in the Press Council of Nepal.
First taste of success
Artha Sarokar was started with the sole motive of wanting freedom in posting economic news content so the team never anticipated being in the top position one day. Their first taste of success came from a post about Esewa which discussed their lack of working license. This news caused an uproar in public and ultimately Esewa was forced to procure their working license. Artha Sarokar got huge public support and good reviews after this news was published. The number of viewers increased significantly when the public realized that Artha Sarokar posted genuine content. Due to the investigative and critical nature of the contents, critics were mostly attracted to Artha Sarokar. The success only grew when good public reviews started increasing and many people started providing hidden news content to the team. Presently Artha Sarokar has an excellent TRP rate with top social media views and followers for economic news media in Nepal.
Difficulties on the way
Before reaching the peak of success, Artha Sarokar too had to go through many ups and downs. As the online portal was started single-handedly by the youth of just 24 years old, he faced many challenges on the way. People underestimated him saying that he would also succumb to the political games of the country and lose his veraciousness. Pyakurel realized that corruption was rooted in every sector of the country. While trying to expose such harsh truths of Nepal, he had to face lots of threats and violence. He got warnings when he tried to post news about the darker side of the elites of Nepal; however, he never stopped writing and posting. The truth was bitter and many sceptics were relentlessly planning the downfall of Artha Sarokar. Despite having a number of haters, Artha Sarokar has always looked at the positive side of their work. Starting from the bottom till now, they have always worked for a change and to bring awareness to the community.
Unique qualities
Artha Sarokar proudly claims that it invests in stories, not people. The team works with the motto of “journalism for change”. Artha Sarokar is different because it was the pioneer in bringing economic media into multimedia. Before Artha Sarokar a separate program for economic news was non-existent. Due to the television program, illiterate people could also get to know new information about finance and business. The people of rural areas who did not have access to televisions benefitted due to the radio program of Artha Sarokar. Seeing the increasing thirst for knowledge about finance and business in Nepal, Artha Sarokar has also started providing physical training about the share market. People of all age groups are facilitated in this training. Currently, there are multiple investigation bureaus of Artha Sarokar in the country.
Future goals
In only five years of its commencement, Artha Sarokar has become the most popular economic news media. To maintain the status of number one, Artha Sarokar plans to continue providing investigative and truthful news content to the public. In future, the team plans to move along with time and bring out issues relevant to the contemporary era. Wherever the audience goes, Artha Sarokar will follow bringing out economic news content in any form the audience want. They plan on being flexible while moving ahead endlessly in search of hidden truths. The team plans on continuing the share market training program in future as well. Currently, the Artha Sarokar office has been opened in Dhangadi and another one is on the way to be opened in the Eastern part of Nepal. Offices in province 1 and province 4 of Nepal are soon to open.
About ‘Artha Sarokar Television Program’
At present, there are only two television programs in Nepal that only show financial information. One of them is the Artha Sarokar television program, which premieres on Business Television. Business Television broadcasts the Artha Sarokar television program every Sunday at 8:30 pm, Monday at 7:30 am, Wednesday at 8:30 am, and Thursday at 7:30 am. Economic affairs are also carried simultaneously by Bagmati Television, which is based in Hetauda, the provincial capital of Bagmati. Following that, the show is also carried on several regional television stations around the nation, including Baba Television in Dhangadhi, TV Trishuli in Nuwakot, and Abhas Television in Chitwan. On the Rate Artha Sarokar TV program, an investigation report is provided. The most popular economic television show in Nepal is “Artha Sarokar.” “Artha Sarokar” is a television program that is also broadcast on a YouTube channel after airing on television. Also known as “Artha Sarokar,” Nepal’s most “cyber” Nepali economic YouTube channel. The Artha Sorokara Group created the program.
About ‘Artha Sarokar Radio Program’
The class of radio listeners is especially large in rural areas of Nepal. More than 170 radio stations in 77 districts across the seven provinces of the nation are used to broadcast “Artha Sarokar.” It is, in essence, the most popular economic radio program in the nation. “Artha Sarokar” is the only economic radio show that, according to broadcasting reach, is carried by more than 170 radios across all 77 districts and seven provinces. The geographic selection of six radio stations indicates that the radio program is presenting content from residents of the capital to those in outlying places. After only a short period of time, Artha Sarokar was able to cover the entire country with her broadcast.
About is ‘Artha Sarokar Khoj Patrika’
The Artha Sarokar magazine comes out once in three months. The magazine is presented in the market with the aim of covering only a single topic per issue with the motive of reaching the deepest surface of the topic and spreading the research material to the public. Currently, Artha Sarokar Khoj Patrika has become the number 2 magazine among the economic quarterly magazines in Nepal.
About Artha Sarokar Mobile App
The number of customers carrying smartphones is rising as technology advances. With this technological demand, Artha Sarokar is also accessible as a mobile app. Downloading the Artha Sarokar mobile application will allow you access to all of Artha Sarokar.com’s news, which may be read, heard, and seen. The Play Store now offers this feature under Android Mobile. The Apple mobile application will soon be available. Other well-known apps are also available that feature Artha Sarokar. Our calendar, the Nepali calendar, the majority of stock market applications, Share Hub, Nepal Share, our share, the most used tax-related app Taxpert, and news apps Halkhabar, Mero Kundali, among others, are the most downloaded mobile apps in Nepal.
Some guidelines for reposting contents
All viewers, sources, and readers will have free access to Artha Sarokar’s news content for seeing, listening, and reading. In other words, users will not be charged for access to the news that will be published or transmitted in this context. However, if the material is to be redistributed and placed on other websites and blogs, printed in newspapers, rebroadcast on television, or used for other commercial reasons, a fee will be applied. Any negative effects of utilizing our news portal, whether direct or indirect, shall be the user’s responsibility. Unless specifically stated otherwise by applicable legislation, the information kept on this portal shall remain private.
No news from the site may be reprinted in any online magazine or online blog without Artha Sarokar’s consent, even if the source is disclosed. Again in the case of radio, it is important to cite the author of the information while reciting it. Only with prior consent can the Artha Sarokar radio program be broadcast on various radio channels. In terms of television programming, only Vijnesh Television, Bagmati Television, TV Trisuli, Abhas Television, and Baba Television are now permitted to broadcast or replay the shows.
Thus, as the leader to financial journalism in country, Artha Sarokar has been able to justify the credibility of its publications, news content and also plays its part to admonish concerned authorities regarding their actions for economic progress.
Artha Sarokar – Determined to achieve absolute economic literacy!