- CA Madhav Kumar Neupane
Usually, not an early bird but on this brand new day of brand New Year, can’t sleep more. All these thoughts have started to party on my mind and kind of feel it’s time to put them to rest.
Firstly like to wish Happy New Year 2018. Wow! What a feeling. It’s more than one and a half month after November Exams and every day was full of life. Got to spend some quality time with mom and dad, had a family trip and what an end to the year with a memorable trip with friends to Chitlang, Markhu, Kulekhani; among some “MUST VISIT” destinations in Nepal.
Have stepped into this New Year with lots of positive vibes and vigour. But you know what, we are in JANUARY and this is the month of result and that’s that. Things won’t be the same after some 15 days or so. Have good feel about the result but howsoever would it be I think I know what I am going to do because I know I AM THE ONE….I AM THE ONE….YAY!
Yah dude, I would not react to the outcome but respond for sure. I have always stayed positive in life; life which so far has been awesomely beautiful. I always have been thankful to god for what I have and this “ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE” has contributed the most to help me stay positive and attract more. This has been my biggest strength. I don’t have time to regret for anything. This is my way of looking towards life and that’s that. In my life till now, either I have succeed or I have learned but have never failed. I feel there is no such thing called failure. It’s just that things didn’t go your way this time around but the day is sure to come, when you’ll overcome all this.
Now you ask me, how you know all this, dude. I mean how can you be so sure and stay positive in every single moment of life, no matter what. Friend, we all have recited this Morning Prayer at our school’s assembly since our very childhood days, Remember?
We shall overcome……
We shall overcome……
We shall overcome some day
Oh deep in my heart
I do believe
That we shall overcome some day.
You may think what does this imply and obviously yes, every single person has story of their own. My friend, I have things to share and I believe that, this might be of great help to someone out there. I have witnessed whole lot of things in my life till today and all these thoughts that I carry are my learnings cum achievements at the cost of something not less valuable. But I feel good about all this because I know who I am and also I believe “HE” knows it should be me.
Coming to the point, my motive behind sharing all this is to clarify all those people out there on various life and career issues they might have and finally put a question before them,
Because you are the one who will have to decide regarding your life, career and many more things. You should be able to make a decision on your own because it’s only you who better knows who you are and in most crucial decisions of your life, you will be on your own. My friend, if you know to love yourself then first of all you must know to help yourself. But yes, lots of people around you will be there to guide you, share their thoughts and motivate you. I believe am trying to do the same at the moment. But you are the one who will have to decide and make choices in life and career, right?
Being a qualified Chartered Accountant, what I am trying to share also relates to this course-CA and is truly dedicated to all those who are looking forward to join this course, who are doing this course at various levels and also who have completed the course and are qualified chartered accountants. But as these life and career issues are faced by everyone out there, I believe this will be of some help and is equally applicable to those entire friends having such issues.
Education is not only about getting degree or being settled in life and career but is more about bringing revolution in the way of thinking and thus develop rational behavior. Education was derived from Latin word “educo” meaning “To develop from within”. Getting education and being educated are entirely different things.
As we all know Chartered Accountancy is the only course which can be persuade by anyone having completed intermediate level and there is no any reservation regarding the faculty and cut off percentage. That is why CA is being described as the course in which it is EASY TO ENTER BUT EXIT IS NOT THAT EASY. Many of brothers and sisters out there might have this question in their mind, “AM I THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE DOING CA?” Once, this brother comes to me and says “I was bright in school and my grades at college are just wow, so I think I AM THE ONE”. The other one says “I am a management student and am good at accounts etc., so I think I AM THE ONE”. One sister says “I have completed my intermediate in humanities and education and they say CA is really tough, so I think I AM NOT THE ONE”.
What I say is these are NOT THE TRUE CRITERIAS to determine “Whether you are the one or not”. No doubt, these are the plus points for sure and will prove to be helpful in many ways while going forward. But as far as I have experienced, if you really want to know whether you are the one or not then you better decide keeping below mentioned questions in mind:
Are you ready to get numerous slaps and learn to respond, not react?
Are you ready to lose and then bounce back strong like anything else?
Are you ready to fall and then rise like never before?
Are you ready to carry the responsibilities and to know how to perform under pressure?
Are you ready to face uncountable bit sized life exams and understand time is the biggest currency of this modern era?
Are you ready to ………..?
To sum up if you think you can hold that character in you going forward, then I think YOU ARE THE ONE. If you think you KNOW YOURSELF, LOVE YOURSELF AND CAN HELP YOURSELF in times of need, then I think YOU ARE THE ONE.
Many of brothers and sisters out there may have a question “Why someone should join CA?” Many people say for earning at large or due to its recognition worldwide or due to the respect CA’s get from the people and country etc. Should say that is true as per general understanding. But if you ask me you should join CA:-
To know that in life either you succeed or you learn but you never fail.
To gain untiring spirit of patience, persistence and faith and learn to adapt with laws of nature.
To be able to do self-analysis, have self-reliance and spread the power of positivity.
To know how to organize and use knowledge after we acquire it.
To understand that knowledge has no value except that which can be gained from its application towards some worthy end.
And the list goes on and on and on.
Coming over to those friends who are doing this course at various levels and who may be thinking, “Why I feel like going into depression”, “Why is it getting tough to pass the exams”, “Why results are being restricted to certain percentage”, “Why I feel like CA is not my cup of tea and should quit” and why and why and why.
Friends, like said earlier, there is no such thing called failure. Do not mistake temporary defeat to failure. All you need to do is change your mind from “FAILURE CONSCIOUSNESS” to “SUCCESS CONSCIOUSNESS”. As described in Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret”, Thoughts are things so, like thoughts attract like things, popularly known as “law of attraction”. All things that are coming into your life are being attracted by your thoughts. So change the way you think. Never say “I don’t want to fail”, always say “I want to pass no matter what”. Expect the things you want and do not expect the things you don’t want.
Every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage. As for example, BibeksheelSajha Party didn’t make it to the National Party in recently concluded Central and State elections of Nepal. Now if you see it as a failure then, you are extremely wrong my friend. I see it as they just didn’t pass this time around but the result speaks a lot of positivity in their favor going forward. And rest is upon them what they make out of the situation.
You know what, feeling of depression is blessing in disguise as it gives you a new start point and brings in new opportunities. As far as result restriction is concerned, I believe result is not being restricted but is being controlled for sure as per market demand and that I think is required to maintain the charm of this high profile profession.
If you are being victim of something then it is only because you are allowing yourself to become a victim. Like it is said that problem in itself is not the problem but not making effort to get out of it, in fact, is the real problem. What I suggest to you is,
So friends, if you face defeat in anything temporarily, keep trying, if needed change your approach but let your goal remain the same.
“Life seems so hard during articleship period. Also they don’t give me some high profile job at training.” said once, a friend of mine. The other friend said, “With the number of attempts I have faced in exams and with the profile I have, I don’t think I will get any attractive job offers.”
My friend, there is no such thing as SOMETHING FOR NOTHING and how can someone think of GETTING WITHOUT GIVING. During articleship, what I have learned is to perform every test at your best and do not think of the rest. Articleship is more about learning work culture and client relationship management and is not only about practical training.
Most common factor in people has been lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity and lack of persistence. Because of this, even though you are the good starter, chances are there to end as a poor finisher. As far as job profile is concerned, I believe, it has nothing to do with number of attempts we have appeared. It is all what you think. Men’s thought impulses begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical counterparts. In life, we might feel some appear to be “lucky” and others with equal or greater capabilities seem destined to ride with misfortune. This depends upon your ability to control your own mind. If you see it in your mind, you are going to hold it in your hand.
So my friend, always think positively. Better help yourself. Why not think like,
As for example, Amir Khan Movies takes time to come on floor but all of us know what they are and how successful they have been. So it takes time to deliver some quality product. But then after can you imagine how large your collection is going to be on the box office.
“And finally I am a qualified Chartered Accountant. But what next?” has been the burning question all around? What I believe, being a Chartered Accountant; you should not limit yourself in thought of JOB vs PRACTICE. Economy and market is getting bigger and better day by day and has ample opportunities to offer you. So, explore yourself and think big. You can do anything you want provided you learn to refuse if needed. Refuse to compromise with life by accepting and keeping a job you don’t want. Decide at the outset whether you intend to become a leader in your chosen calling or remain a follower. Because it is no disgrace to be a follower but it is no credit to remain a follower. You become a great leader because you are an intelligent follower. Every leader is a great reader. Like someone said, WE ARE ALL THIEVES, AND THE BETTER AMONG US PIRATES.
Before parting, I would like to share some life lessons and learning with you.
The moment you meet some temporary defeat, do not think it is over. If you are thinking to change your goal or to quit, just remember that it is not the dead end. Better help yourself, as I believe that you know yourself and you love yourself. Please do not fear of criticism and if you do so, then it might destroy your power of imagination, take away your self-reliance and limit your individuality.
Always remember no one else can dance your dance, sing your song and write your story. Do believe and have faith in yourself, I mean feel great, never regret. Think positive and attract good. Praise and bless everything in the world. Spread love and show respect. Do not forget to carry that charm and smile on your face. Make friends and always have some room for chocolate in life.
Try and understand the intangible force of gravity, which keeps this little earth suspended in air and keeps man falling from it. Over and above all, always remember your personal accounts are also being maintained somewhere out there and those will also be audited. Do comply with laws and order and remember to pay your taxes in time.
I believe that you’re great and that there is something magnificent about you. The moment you start to think positively, know, love, help yourself, and then something that is within you will guide you, direct you, protect you and sustain your very existence. The moment you start putting effort, you start getting result. And I believe that is what I know for sure.
At last but not the least, I would remind you that, if you think you know yourself, know to love and help yourself and if you do so, then YOU ARE THE ONE. And if you think you hold that character in you going forward in life, then YOU ARE THE ONE. So my friend,
I know I AM THE ONE and I believe I am on my journey to become THE ONE AND ONLY ONE. My friends, if you feel the same, say I AM THE ONE. And if you don’t know, let me tell you this is also a song by Justin Bieber and team. So play it, feel the music and keep rocking.
CA Madhav Kumar Neupane (Maddy)
Garjyankot-5, Jumla, Nepal.
Contact No.:9860119227
E-MAIL ID: [email protected]
-THE SECRET (Rhonda Byrne)
-THINK AND GROW RICH (Napoleon Hill)