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District 41- Toastmaster Training organized for the first time in Nepal


District 41- Toastmaster Training organized for the first time in Nepal

Artha Sarokar

११ श्रावण २०७९, बुधबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: २ मिनेटभन्दा कम


District 41 of Toastmasters International organized its District Officer training program on 22-24 July, for the first time in Nepal. Over 90 District officers from India and Nepal gathered to develop their leadership skills, share best practices and network with each other. The event witnessed inspirational speeches and insightful training led by some of the most experienced and erudite leaders of District 41. Toastmasters International started in 1924 in USA and is present in 149 countries. Nepal started its first club in 1991.

Setting the mode to the training program, the District Director of District Ankur Yadav, DTM, highlighted and shared – “Becoming a good leader is grasping the idea of being committed to the organization, being grateful and being self-aware. Every year starts with a different motivation. This year will be a year of learning, a year of transformation and a year of correcting ourselves.”

Continuing on the course of motivation, the Immediate Past District Director of District 41 Ranjit Acharya, DTM addressed the leaders and shared – “As leaders be the better, not best. Always compete with yourself and a mantra to be successful in this is – Get Serious, Get Smart, Get Going, Get Excited, Get Away.”

The event was graced as a guest speaker by Mr. Sunil Thapa, who is a prominent name in the Nepali film industry and has also done recognized roles in Bollywood, with movies like Mary Kom. While inspiring the Toastmaster’s leaders, Mr. Thapa recognized the value that the Toastmaster fraternity puts in time management and mentioned, – “It is commendable to see you all value time and I hope this is a learning that you take back to your personal and professional lives as well.”

The Program Quality Director of District 41 for 2022-23, Suman Shakya,DTM, who was also the Chair of the event,shared the challenges of the new normal that Toastmasters must adapt to as a leader “The mantra that to be resilient is to Raise – Rebuild – Revive as we revisit the basics and make our fundamentals stronger”.

The Club Growth Director of District 41 for 2022-23, Moon Pradhan, DTM along with her team, led the session on the marketing aspect of Toastmaster. The session centered around planning on expanding the toastmaster fraternity and the orienting the leaders on the procedural requirement.

The sessions while being interactive, were packed with knowledge that the newly elected leaders of District 41 took back with them. Along with all the learning, the Nepal team extended the warm hospitality and showcased the Nepali culture to tall Indian delegates.

About Toastmasters International

Toastmasters International is a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Headquartered in Englewood, Colo., the organization’s membership exceeds 300,000 in more than 15,800 clubs in 149 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, please visit www.toastmasters.org. Follow @Toastmasters on Twitter.

Communication and leadership are two essential skills in the current era to embark on the journey towards success. Toastmaster International is a platform that offers opportunities to hone communication skills and develop leadership through different modalities and programs.

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