On Thursday, Mangsir 14, there will be power outages in various parts of Kathmandu. The Nepal Electricity Authority has issued a notice informing about the power outage from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. due to ongoing work at the Teku substation.
Areas including Kalimati Pul, Paropakar, Tankeshwor, Dallu, Bijeshwari, Chamati, Bhagwanpau, Dallu Awas, Jansewa Marg, and Karakhushi will experience power cuts. Additionally, areas like Kalimathi Chok, Salt Trading, Sita Petrol Pump, Tankeshwor, Mahendraratna Campus, Chagal, and Kalash Apartment will also have power cuts.
The authority has informed us that the affected lines will be restored after the designated time.