- डा. विवेक सिंह
हामीले खुब सुनीरहेको ‘फोबिया’ शब्द कुनै पनि कुरासँग डराउने रोगलाई इंकित गर्छ । जानीराखौं के रोग लाइ के फोबिया भनिने रहेछ त !
- Acrophobia – The fear of heights.
- Agoraphobia – The fear of open or crowded spaces.
- Cynophobia – The fear of dogs.
- Claustrophobia – The fear of small spaces.
- Hemophobia – The fear of blood. Even the sight of blood can cause fainting.
- Pyrophobia – The fear of fire. A natural/primal fear that can be debilitating.
- Iatrophobia – The fear of doctors.