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Ncell collaborates with Ministry of Health and Population and UNICEF to raise awareness on COVID


Ncell collaborates with Ministry of Health and Population and UNICEF to raise awareness on COVID

Artha Sarokar

२१ कार्तिक २०७७, शुक्रबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: २ मिनेटभन्दा कम

Ncell Axiata Limited, as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, has collaborated with the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and UNICEF Nepal on various campaigns focusing to raise awareness on COVID-19 pandemic amidst the rising spread. 
The campaign endorses three key messages on COVID that is recommended by the government i.e. 2-meter distancing, proper use of masks and hand sanitization. Through these campaigns, Ncell is focusing to raise awareness among people that mask is mandatory while stepping out from the home, how to use mask properly covering nose, mouth and chin area completely and what type of mask to be used. 
In support of the collaboration Andy Chong, CEO of Ncell said, “In unprecedented times like these, we are committed to working in solidarity with the Ministry of Health and Population, and UNICEF in raising awareness to prevent, detect, and respond in containing the rapid spread of COVID-19 in Nepal. As a private sector, Ncell is playing an integral part in raising awareness and sensitizing the public on COVID and preparedness considering the pandemic. Tackling a crisis like COVID-19 requires a multi-stakeholder approach that brings together the strengths of each sector to fill in the gaps and augment the government’s reach. Ncell’s contributions in the preparedness against the pandemic is only one aspect of how the private sector is lending their expertise, resources, and capabilities to build resilience for all. Our commitment to serve the people of Nepal remain uncompromised.” 
Dr. Jageshwor Gautam, spokesperson at the MoHP said, “During this public health crisis when the whole world is suffering, awareness has been the key in sensitizing the people. We are appreciative to Ncell for providing this crucial support in raising health awareness at the juncture wherein the spread is rapid. In the face of the pandemic, the world is coming together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic bringing governments, private sectors like Ncell and organizations like UNICEF from across sectors together to help respond to this global outbreak. Partnerships like this is a necessity to provide innovative solutions and expertise that can help in responding to the current, rapidly-changing scenario.” 
Ms. Elke Wisch, UNICEF Representative to Nepal said, “COVID-19 has become a public health challenge to the children and their families as well as the communities worldwide. UNICEF is working with the Government of Nepal to respond to this pandemic and the partnership with various private sector institutions like Ncell has truly added value to the response, specifically providing lifesaving messages to the public in this difficult time.” 
The campaign has been executed as per a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between Ncell, MoHP and National Health Education and Information and Communication Centre (NHEICC) for health awareness programs. Ncell has also signed a MoU with UNICEF Nepal. 
For the COVID awareness messaging, Ncell has featured Sujal Bam, a differently abled young artist to demonstrate the three safety measures to be safe from COVID. The COVID awareness messages are being disseminated through mass media, sensitizing the importance of protective measures to remain safe and save lives during this pandemic. In combat against the COVID-19, Ncell had also contributed NPR 100 million in the government-established COVID-19 Infection Prevention, Control and Treatment Fund, supporting the government to procure logistics such as personal protective gears, health equipment, PCR testing kits and other materials required in the testing, quarantining and treatment of Covid-19 patients. It has also been supporting the COVID-19 Crisis Management Centre (CCMC) in contact tracing and identifying COVID infected people through USSD survey since mid-April 2020.
Hamro Parto AD

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