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SEE scheduled to take place physically on April 22, Board makes calendar public


SEE scheduled to take place physically on April 22, Board makes calendar public

Artha Sarokar

२७ माघ २०७८, बिहीबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: १ मिनेटभन्दा कम


This year’s Secondary Education Examination (SEE) is scheduled to take place physically from coming April 22 onward. A meeting of the National Examinations Board has unveiled a calendar today with the decision to conduct this year’s SEE from April 22 through May 3. Board Chairperson Mahashram Sharma shared that the examinations to be conducted from 8.00 to 11.00 am will conclude on May 3. According to the routine published by the Board, the first day of the SEE, scheduled for April 22 (Friday), will be of compulsory English. The examinations of compulsory Sanskrit language and literature are also set to be held on the same day.

Likewise, examinations of compulsory math are to take place on April 24 (Sunday), compulsory Nepali and English for non-Nepali students on April 25 (Monday) and compulsory Science and Sanskrit grammar and translation on April 26 (Tuesday), according to the schedule. Examinations of compulsory social study, farm management, marketing, engineering, drawing, computer repairing and maintenance and basic music on April 27 are scheduled to take place. Likewise, examinations of compulsory health, population and environment education, Veda and policy science, all subjects of optional first towards technical stream, agriculture, electrical management, computer networking, and engineering surveying are set for April 28.

All subjects of optional first towards general and Sanskrit, compulsory Sanskrit education, optional subjects towards Vedbidhyashram and optional math towards technical stream are to take place on April 29. Likewise, subjects of optional second towards general and Sanskrit, Karmakanda or Falit Jyotish, vegetable and medicinal plant production dairy, electrical energy, database management system and musical technology towards technical stream are to be conducted on April 30 (Saturday). On May 1, the examinations of crop production, small rument production and management, electronics design and circuit, and water resources and engineering towards technical stream are to take place. Likewise, the examinations of animal health, electrical machine, micro process, highway engineering, music business an programme management are to take place on May 2.

On the last day, May 3, examinations of floriculture ad nursery management, veterinary laboratory technic, industrial installation and maintenance, object oriented programming, estimating costing and supervision and singing, music, bands and dance subject of optional stream are to take place. He informed that the Board has set the calendar considering the local level elections. As many as 510,000 students are to attend this year’s SEE, the Board shared.

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