Global IME Bank Limited has organized a cashless payment promotion program through QR code in Nakhu Bazaar area of Lalitpur district with the objective of promoting cashless transactions. Governor of Nepal Rastra Bank Maha Prasad Adhikari on Friday inaugurated a cashless payment promotion program through QR code in various retail shops in Nakhu area.
With the objective of promoting transaction free transactions and expanding financial literacy, the bank has organized electronic transaction promotion program through QR code. The Bank has stated that it will conduct incentive programs for its customers to use various cashless payment services and will organize additional programs to promote this type of electronic transaction. The Bank has also launched online training for QR merchants on electronic payments.
The Bank has been providing services to its customers through branches, extension counters and branchless banking services at various locations with the objective of providing access to banking services to all sectors and classes.The Bank has been providing services to more than 2.2 million customers through 264 branches, 47 extensions and revenue collection counters, 240 ATMs, 244 branchless banking services and 3 representative / Liaison offices outside Nepal (Australia, UK and India).