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Ncell brings attractive new ‘Biz+’ plans


Ncell brings attractive new ‘Biz+’ plans

Artha Sarokar

५ माघ २०७७, सोमबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: २ मिनेटभन्दा कम

Nepali enterprises and professionals can now take benefit from attractive new service plans specially designed for them .Ncell Axiata Limited has launched various new biz+ plans to provide a completeservice as per the needs of professionaland small to large enterprises. 
The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted many challenges to businesses starting from small and medium to large enterprises nationwide. New biz+ planshave been launched as a part of Ncell’s campaign #FastForwardLife that aims to encourage everyone to reimagine the future and fast forward their life with power of digital in this tough time. Ncell has stated that the companydelighted to launch the new biz+ planswith more resources,revamping old bizplans to provide flexible and best value-for-money service for all communications needs. Packedfully with voice, data,SMS, and useful digital services, the newplans help businesses fast forward onto the new world and contribute to achievingbusiness goals. New biz+ plans are mainly targeted to Small and Medium Enterprise (SME),corporate, and government agencies. For SMEs and government offices, biz+ plansstart from a 30 days rental charge of Rs149 excluding applicable taxes. As forcorporate, new biz+ plans, start from amonthly charge of Rs 299 excludingapplicable taxes. Under the biz+ plans, customers get thefacility of free call and SMS within Ncellnetwork during business hour, freeunlimited call service in any two listed family and friend (FnF) number, and no call baring on rental fail. 
Additionally,users also get complementary digital services, free online consultations withdoctors, free calls, and SMS for corporate user groups and mobile security, among others. SMEs as per their service needs canchoose a 30 days rental of Rs 149 or Rs199. For corporate users, they can choose any plan out of six plans ranging from Rs 299 to Rs 1,499. Similarly,government offices can opt for service from four different plans ranging from Rs149 to Rs 499. Monthly charges have been set as per the resources and facilities incorporated in the plans.fessionals can now take benefit from attractive new service plans specially designed for them. Ncell Axiata Limited has launched various new biz+ plans to provide a complete service as per the needs of professional and small to large enterprises.

 Ncell brings attractive new ‘Biz+’ plans for professional and enterprise sector:

  • Fully loaded with data, voice,SMS, and free digital services
  • Best suits SMEs, corporate and government offices
  • Free call and SMS within Ncell network during business hour
  • No call barring on rental fail
  • CUG call free within Ncell Network within the organization
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