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How A Pakistani Newspaper ‘Pakistan Today’ Helps To Strengthen The People-To-People Contact Between Bangladesh And Pakistan


How A Pakistani Newspaper ‘Pakistan Today’ Helps To Strengthen The People-To-People Contact Between Bangladesh And Pakistan

Artha Sarokar

१८ पुष २०७८, आईतवार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: ६ मिनेटभन्दा कम


Public diplomacy is also called people’s diplomacy.Public diplomacy between Pakistan and Bangladesh is very necessary to bolster the ties between two brotherly nations. It is the ‘Public Diplomacy’ which can bring the two countries under an umbrella. People to People contact can initiate to strengthen the ties melting the ice between two brotherly and neighboring states.

Where government-to-government diplomacy fails, public diplomacy is very effective there to strengthen the ties. People-to-people contact between the two countries can turn into a holistic diplomatic approach between two countries. Then, formal official diplomacy between the two governments is possible. People-to-people contact diplomacy between Pakistan and Bangladesh may be Cricket diplomacy, cultural exchange of people between two countries, communications amongst the authors, writers, professors, students, businesses, businessmen etc.

Communication between authors, professors, writers, the general public is a kind of public diplomacy. By this diplomatic approach, authors from both countries can contact each other. Media publications and outlets can play a strong role in this connection. For example, Bangladeshi writers didn’t write normally in Pakistani media outlets and vice versa. To some extent, there are some issues with that. But after a long time, some Bangladesh writers including me (of course new generation) starts to write in Pakistani media outlets. This time, we see a new trend of communication amongst the people between Pakistan and Bangladesh. They are sending their write-ups continuously to Pakistani media outlets. Basically, they want to establish relations with Pakistani authors, people through Pakistani media outlets. They are interested to build up a strong relationship with the other parts. Not only do they want to establish relations, bondage but also expressed their views on Pakistan. They are also interested to inform the Pakistani generation about Bangladesh. Won’t it be a good sign for strengthening the ties?

We want to know about Pakistani society, strengthen our ties and bondage with Pakistani people. We want to publish our write-ups in Pakistani media outlets on Bangladesh, Bangladesh-Pakistan ties, new generation’s thinking on Pakistan. We wanted to inform Pakistani people about modern Bangladesh. We tried to reach out to Pakistani people through Pakistani media outlets. Basically, we wanted to convey our messages to the Pakistani people. Isn’t it public diplomacy? One day, this type of Public Diplomacy can turn into formal state-level diplomacy.

Social media, print media have a great role to connect people with each other. Pakistani media outlets especially print media can and should play role in this regard. They should cooperate with Bangladeshi writers. They should show their interest to publish their write-ups in Pakistani media outlets. The publishers and editors of Pakistani media outlets should consider this with special attention.

Basically, media can play a strong role in the case of public diplomacy. The owners, publishers, and editors of Pakistani media outlets should understand, think and consider this because this type of public diplomacy can normalize the bilateral ties between two states. One day, Pakistan and Bangladesh would be regional allies for ensuring their mutual interest. Bilateral business, trade, a cultural exchange may be smoothened.

Pakistani media outlets such as ‘Pakistan Today’ can play a strong role to make public opinion to influence the policymakers of Pakistan for smoothing the strained ties between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The Pakistan Today is a widely circulated English-language newspaper in Pakistan. Pakistan Today is a popular and liberal daily in Pakistan. Pakistan Today is a Pakistani English-language daily newspaper, published by Nawa Media Corporation from three Pakistani cities – Lahore, Punjab; Karachi, Sindh; and Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory. The newspaper was founded by its editor and publisher, senior journalist,former federal ministerArifNizami, in 2010.

According to their media outlets, policymakers and decision-makers read the news publication regularly. Its hard-hitting insightful editorials and opinions are keenly followed by the government, lawmakers, diplomats, and business people alike.

Pakistan Today can play a very important role in strengthening the ties between Bangladesh and Pakistan through public diplomacy. It has been publishing some pertinent news, reports, articles related to Bangladesh-Pakistan relations. It has been publishing many write-ups regarding the current strained ties between Pakistan-Bangladesh and its solution.

Pakistan’s ‘Pakistan Today’ can play a strong role in this regard. Accordingly, Pakistan’s ‘Pakistan Today’ can and should play a very significant role to smooth the strained relations by influencing the policymakers, public through their heart-hitting write-ups in these such ways:

Pakistan Today can publish all kinds of news, reports, and editorials articles regarding Pakistan-Bangladesh brotherly ties to make a public opinion that pressurizes the policymakers in smoothing the bilateral relations.

It can publish satire. It can also publish poll opinions.

It can influence Pakistan’s civil society by publishing its nice write-ups.

Pakistan Today is a very fine and excellent newspaper in Pakistan. The accuracy, credibility, and acceptability of publications in ‘Pakistan Today’ are very high. So, it should create public opinion in favor of bolstering relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The government of Pakistan, its decision-makers, and people know well about Pakistan Today. Thus, it is very easy for Pakistan Today to influence the policymakers and people of Pakistan to some extent the decision-makers.

Pakistan Today has started to publish the write-ups of Bangladeshi writes from August 01, 2021. That was the great decision of the decision-makers of the ‘Pakistan Today’. Now, many Bangladeshi writers are interested to write in Pakistani media outlets. But Pakistan Today has started this. They are continuing it. These types of activities will turn into people-to-people cooperation between the two states. People of both states will be able to know each other. Obstacles and barriers would remove.  Pakistan Today has already circulated much news, editorial, opinions on Pakistan-Bangladesh relations how to further strengthen the bilateral ties, people-to-people contact through public opinion such as:

1) Why Bangladesh should use CPEC? (August 01, 2021)

2) Why Bangladesh should use Gwadar port? (September 26, 2021)

3) Russia-Bangladesh Nuclear Cooperation provides benefits for Bangladesh

4) Don’t accuse Bangladesh

5) A golden chance for Pakistan

6) Chittagong-Ranong connectivity could boost SAARC-ASEAN trade if connected to Gwadar and Chabahar

7) Bangladesh needs Sri Lanka in Rohingya refugee crisis solution

8) Apology to Bangladesh could change the region’s current geopolitics

9)Myanmar and Bangladesh must strengthen ties

10)Strategic significance of the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh’s ‘Balancing Capability’

11) Why and how Bangladesh is moving forward?

12) The international community must fulfill its responsibility to Bangladesh

13) Now the target should be a Security Council resolution?

14)CHT in Bangladesh towards peace and prosperity 

16)Bangladesh’s Assistance to Sri Lanka increases its image and prestige

17)The   Padma Bridge Proves Bangladeshi Economic Potential

18) Who will bear the financial burden of the Rohingya? 

20) The Message for South Asia

21) AUKUS- Are We Entering A New Cold War?

All are written by Bangladeshi writers. Good job Pakistan Today. You are doing very well to strengthen the ties between Pakistan and Bangladesh. We Bangladeshi people really appreciate the role of Pakistan Today in this regard.
As Bangladeshi, we always appreciate the role of ‘Pakistan Today’ regarding the ‘Media Coverage on the issue. Pakistan’s other media outlets can and should follow the footprint of the ‘Pakistan Today’. Pakistan Today has established a strong example for other media outlets. Their motive is very positive. One day, people of the two states can definitely benefit from the initiative taken by ‘Pakistan Today’.

We (Bangladeshi people) hope, Pakistan Today will continue it. One day, policymakers in this country will understand this.

The strained bilateral ties between Pakistan and Bangladesh would be resolved one day and the whole region will benefit from that.

We think that the role of Pakistan Today is very positive in this regard. It is on the right track. So, Pakistan Today has been playing a very significant role to create positive public opinion in this regard. They are trying to bring the people between Pakistan and Bangladesh under an umbrella. They took the great initiative. It is continuously publishing the write-ups, articles written by Bangladeshi writers to increase the people-to-people contact. One day, this people-to-people contact turn into government-to-government contact. The bilateral ties between the two states will be further strengthened. Bangladeshi citizens hope and appreciate the significant role of the Pakistan Today.

Hamro Parto AD

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