Kamana SewaBikas Bank hasearned nearly 1 Arab Net Operating Earningsin theSecond quarter for the FY 2078-79with the growth rate of 21% against Net Operating Earning in corresponding year. Despite of Nil non-operating income this quarter (which was around 20 crores last year), the profit after tax (PAT) has merely declined by about 12 %.
Deposit of the bank has increased to 48.92Arabwhereas Loan and Advances has increased to 44.90Arabwhich is a growth of 10.69 % and 10.98 % respectively against immediate fiscal year ending.
Bank’s Capital Adequacy ratio is 12.32 %,Annualized EPS and Diluted EPS is 21.87 and 21.87respectively.
Bank’s Paid up Capital and Retained Earnings is 3.14 Arab and 9.67 crore and NPL has decreased to 1.77% from previous quarter1.79%. Similarly, Bank’s PE ratio is 25.74, Networth per share is 133.02, and Base Rate is 9.27%.