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एनआइसी एसिया बैंकले माग्यो चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेण्ट र सेमी क्वालीफाईड चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेण्ट (भ्याकेन्सी नोटिससहित)


एनआइसी एसिया बैंकले माग्यो चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेण्ट र सेमी क्वालीफाईड चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेण्ट (भ्याकेन्सी नोटिससहित)

Artha Sarokar

२१ पुष २०७८, बुधबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: २ मिनेटभन्दा कम

काठमाडौँ । एनआइसी एसिया बैंकले चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेण्ट र सेमी क्वालीफाईड चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेण्टको माग गरेको छ । बैंकले उपत्यका भित्र र उपत्यका बाहिरका लागि चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेण्ट र सेमी क्वालीफाईड चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेण्टको माग गरेको हो ।
बैंकले एक सूचना जारी गर्दै यस्तो जनाएको हो । इच्छुक तथा योग्यता पुगेकाले माघ ५ गते कार्यालय समयसम्म आवेदन दिनुपर्नेछ । हेर्नुहोस् भ्याकेन्सीसहित :
1. Chartered Accountants (Junior Officer/ Officer/ Senior Officer)

Required Number: 50

Location: Outside Valley (Code: CAOV 001)                                  

Location: Inside Valley (Code: CAIV 002)                                            

This position requires an ability to impeccably carry the Bank’s Brand and effectively act as Bank’s Brand Representative. The candidates are expected to possess excellent competitive, market, and product intelligence and be able to chalk out instrumental marketing plans, strategies and roadmaps and ensure their effective implementation. The candidates should have abilities to train, nurture and groom team members and motivate the team for greater achievements and should possess an ability to lead the Branch towards achieving the set goals while enhancing customer experience.

2. Semi Qualified Chartered Accountants (Contractual Staff)

Required Number: 50

Location: Outside Valley (Code: SQCAOV 001 )                                     

Location: Inside Valley (Code- SQCAIV 002)

The candidates for this job should be acquainted with overall banking including credit & operations functions. The Candidate must have attended final examination of Chartered Accountancy for recognized institute. The candidates should possess knowledge of NRB Directives, prevailing laws applicable to financial sector & prevailing accounting standards. The Candidate is required to assist in developing an annual audit plan using an appropriate risk based methodology including any risks or control concerns identified by management.

The candidate must have completed the required article-ship as prescribed by the institute.

Eligibility Criteria for Chartered Accountant

  • Candidate should have completed Final Course of Chartered Accountancy from ICAN/
  • Age not below 21 and not exceeding 40 years as of January 19, 2022.

The candidate need to apply for a specific position and location as per their preference under the vacancy and multiple applications for the position at multiple locations is also allowed.

Documentary evidence related to qualification and experience shall be sought from the shortlisted candidates.

The Bank reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever. Canvassing at any stage of the process will lead to automatic disqualification.

Deadline to Apply: January 19, 2022

Hamro Parto AD

प्रतिक्रिया दिनुहोस्

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