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सेन्ट्रल फाइनान्सले माग्यो विभिन्न ६ पदका लागि कर्मचारी, यस्तो छ आवश्यक योग्यता तथा अनुभव (भ्याकेन्सीसहित)


सेन्ट्रल फाइनान्सले माग्यो विभिन्न ६ पदका लागि कर्मचारी, यस्तो छ आवश्यक योग्यता तथा अनुभव (भ्याकेन्सीसहित)

Artha Sarokar

१८ जेष्ठ २०७९, बुधबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: २ मिनेटभन्दा कम

Central Finance Ltd., a well established national level “C” class finance institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank, having its Head Office at Kupondole, Lalitpur which has been operating for the last 25 years invites applications from self-motivated & result oriented Nepalese citizens for the following positions for KATHMANDU:

Age Limit: 20 years to 45 years

1. Branch In-charge (Supervisor to Officer Level)
– Academic Qualification: Minimum Bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree preferred) in a relevant subject.

Job Specifications:
> Experience in financial Institutions is mandatory,
> Ability to check credit histories, assess risk and make decisions on lending,
> Have a good judgment, sound business sense high degree of accuracy and attention to detail,
> Ability to lead and motivate a team,
> Ability to achieve given targets,
> Have a confident and assertive manner,
> Ability to work under pressure and to deadlines,
> Having leadership skills and sound knowledge of overall branch handling,

2. IT Department (Officer Level)
– Academic Qualification: Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology from a recognized University.

Job Specifications:
> Should possess very sound knowledge in network management, network security, and virtualization of network equipment,
> Must have familiar with SQL Language,
> Should have knowledge of windows server management, Active Directory and virtualization,
> Minimum of 2 years experience in PUMORI and/or other Core Banking systems,
> Work Experience in NRB Licensed BFI is preferred,
> Ability to seek continuous improvements and recommend solutions,
> Knowledge to handle Digital Banking Technology.

3. HR Department (Officer Level)
– Academic Qualification: Minimum Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University. (Bachelor’s Degree in Management with specialization in Human Resource Management is Preferred).

Job Specifications:
> Minimum of 2 years work experience in HR Department in BFIs or corporate sector,
> Creating recruitment plans, interviews scheduled, and evaluation standards in accordance with HR policies and guidelines of the financial institution and the NRB,
> Should have sound communication skills and proficiency in MS applications,
> Supervising all HR activities, communications, reports, requests, and documents created and received from different departments and branches,
> Familiar and work experience in HR management applications, Process Flow Application, and Fixed Assets Management Applications are preferred,
> Should be able to conduct meetings independently and capacity to handle labor relationship management.

4. Credit Risk Department (Officer to Manager Level)
– Academic Qualification: Minimum Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university

Job Specifications:
> Experience in BFIs in Credit Department,
> Ability and potential to lead the department,
> Strong understanding of NRB directives, commercial law, and credit guidelines,
> Should have a strong ability for identifying and evaluating credit risk during credit appraisal,
> Should have a strong ability for evaluating operating risk and other relevant risks in BFIs,
> Familiar with credit analysis and processing software.

5. IT Department (Assistant Level)
– Academic Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university.

Job Specifications:
> Minimum 1-year experience in CBS (PUMORI) is preferred,
> Must have familiar with SQL Language,
> Experience in NRB Licensed BFI is preferred,
> Knowledge of handling card center, mobile banking, IPS, etc,
> Knowledge to handle Digital Banking,
> Ability to seek continuous improvements and recommend solutions,

6. Credit Department (Assistant Level)
– Academic Qualification: Pursuing or completing Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant subject

Job Specifications:
> Experience in BFIs is preferred,
> Ability to learn credit processes and analysis,
> Ability to check credit analysis & histories, assess risk,
> Familiar with credit analysis and processing software.

Application Deadline: 10 June 2022

click [ HERE ] to view official vacancy for more details and application procedure

Hamro Parto AD

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