In November last year, Japanese ambassador to Dhaka Ito Naoki drew public attention and criticized the government and related parties by commenting on the voting process in the 2018 elections. This year it is seen that some diplomatic missions could not learn any lesson from that incident.
This incident reminds us of the limits of foreign diplomatic activity in an independent-sovereign country. Etiquette was the main theme of the discussion about the diplomats’ speeches. Being a foreigner, the native country cannot be admonished or reprimanded. In this regard we may remind them of the principles of the Vienna Convention of 1961. In that convention, states agree on the principles of diplomacy. Article 41 of the agreement states that all persons who enjoy the status and privileges of diplomats in another country shall be bound to abide by the laws and policies of that country. After this, it is said that the urgent instruction is that they cannot interfere in any internal affairs of that country. If this is the limit of diplomacy, then the diplomats of the 13 countries have already crossed it.
Bangladesh is a country of flexible foreign policy and has not yet behaved in any unpleasant way. In consideration of mutual trust, diplomats should reciprocate this behavior with good behavior.
All the foreign officials, including the United States, who have visited Bangladesh, are doing and will do, have said what they have to say to the government. They did not embarrass the government or themselves by making speeches or statements.
Diplomats in talks are urged to remember the Vienna Convention’s milestones.
Although the government party sometimes ignores the various comments of the diplomats, the opposition parties always support their comments with ‘importance’. In such a situation, the section of the Vienna Convention that is spoken about by the government is the section 41 of the agreement. It is stated in subsection 1 of this article – “Those who enjoy the status and privileges of diplomats in any other country shall be bound to comply with the laws and policies of that country.” Apart from this, they cannot interfere in any internal affairs of that country.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned the ambassadors and heads of missions of those 13 countries for talking about the internal issues of Bangladesh. Ambassadors were called to the Foreign Service Academy for a briefing on Wednesday (July 26). Later, the State Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke to the journalists. Shahriar Alam. He said, “I called the embassies of Dhaka which broke diplomatic norms and gave a joint statement to the media in the context of an unwanted incident centered on Ashraful Hossain alias Hero Alam, an independent candidate of Dhaka-17 constituency, on Wednesday. We expressed our displeasure at their undiplomatic behavior. We have said, this is an isolated incident, which cannot be used to judge the peaceful, fair and free elections of the whole day.’
One or two minor isolated incidents can and do happen in any election center. It happens even in developing countries. The entire electoral system cannot be questioned for that. Just a few days ago, there was widespread violence during the municipal elections in West Bengal, India. There were many casualties. No one was seen to make a statement about those incidents. We think that Bangladesh has the power to take any decision on its own internal matters. We do not think there is any need for foreign intervention here. We would like, in the future, such an undesirable situation will not be created. It’s better for everyone not to be.