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Myanmar-Bangladesh’s Rohingya refugees need not only UN proposal but also effective initiatives of implementation


Myanmar-Bangladesh’s Rohingya refugees need not only UN proposal but also effective initiatives of implementation

Artha Sarokar

४ श्रावण २०८०, बिहीबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: ६ मिनेटभन्दा कम


It has been repeatedly discussed that Myanmar has only promised a logical solution to the Rohingya crisis, but nothing has been done. Apart from this, Rohingyas will be repatriated in stages – such assurance was also given to Bangladesh. According to the news published recently in the newspaper, a resolution has been passed in the United Nations emphasizing on the sustainable solution of the ongoing crisis by repatriating the Rohingyas who have taken refuge in Bangladesh to Myanmar and ensuring justice and accountability for them. According to reports, the resolution was unanimously passed by the ongoing 53rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland on Friday.

We feel that the passing of the proposal is positive – taking into account the duty of the concerned parties to take necessary initiatives. It is known that the proposal titled ‘Human rights situation of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar’ was raised by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) at the initiative of Bangladesh. However, after the presentation of the proposal, there were differences among the member countries of the United Nations on various issues. At this time, the issue of Myanmar’s unstable political and security risks came to the fore. Many member states are of the opinion that repatriation is not possible until the ongoing political crisis in the country is resolved. But there are also opinions in favor of starting repatriation of the poor. Later, after a long discussion, the proposal was unanimously passed.

We would like to say that the proposal has been passed as it is positive, taking into account the overall situation as much as possible effective initiatives should be taken. Notably, the passed resolution called on Myanmar to take back the Rohingya by creating a conducive environment for the poor. As a result, we hope that Myanmar will respond to this call. In addition to increasing international cooperation, it has also been said to bring people accused of all kinds of torture, anti-humanity and war crimes against the Rohingya community to justice. On the other hand, the session also praised the government of Bangladesh for providing shelter to the Rohingya population expelled from Myanmar during the session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

We would like to say that all efforts should be continued to make the Rohingya repatriation a success by taking into account the resolution passed. Earlier, a Myanmar delegation came to Cox’s Bazar and returned after interviewing the Rohingyas. Besides, a delegation of Rohingya also returned home after observing the situation in Rakhine; After that, the Rohingya repatriation issue came up for discussion again. Now that the resolution has been passed in the United Nations, taking into account the overall situation, all efforts should be continued to make the repatriation a success.

We want to say that Bangladesh was forced to shelter the Rohingya citizens who fled in fear of their lives due to humanitarian reasons. Since then, one of the world’s most populous countries has been dealing with the world’s biggest refugee crisis almost single-handedly. Apart from this, many kinds of unwanted incidents are also happening in the Rohingya camps. Various types of crime related news also appeared repeatedly in newspapers. We think it is naturally a concern for Bangladesh if the repatriation is not successful. It is important to take necessary steps to take into account the issue of repatriation for good reasons.

Above all, we want to say, this time when the resolution was passed in the United Nations, it should be put forward and the expectation should be made successful by taking effective initiatives. Remember, the question of how long the Rohingyas will have to bear the pressure in Bangladesh, which is populated by more than 170 million Bangladeshi citizens, is by no means unreasonable. Which should also be considered by the international community. Giving asylum to Rohingyas on humanitarian grounds does not mean that they have to be kept forever. It is now a big burden for Bangladesh. Bangladesh wants them to be taken back with full rights as citizens under fair and beautiful management. As a result, it is our hope that the necessary initiatives will continue to make the Rohingya repatriation, which has become a burden for Bangladesh, successful and the repatriation process will see the light of day.

The Rohingya repatriation process is suspended due to various reasons. Bangladesh still hopes for a permanent solution to the Rohingya crisis. Bangladesh does not have the capacity to carry the Rohingyas for a long time. So, it is necessary to repatriate them to Myanmar. The Rohingya crisis is a cross-border and regional problem. It is the responsibility of the world to solve this humanitarian crisis. The progress of Rohingya repatriation has come to a standstill due to the lack of role of world leaders. Such a glimpse was found in the words of Uzra Jaya, the US Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights, who recently visited Bangladesh. It is known that the issue of Rohingya repatriation was kept under wraps after China’s initiative failed five years ago. Many assumed there would be no progress on the return of the Rohingya to Myanmar. Last April, due to China’s initiative, the issue of Rohingya repatriation came into discussion again. There was even a tripartite meeting between Bangladesh, China and Mirmar on repatriation. There has been no response since then. Neither the US nor any other country has raised any new issues regarding repatriation. As a result, the Rohingyas were in a state; For now, they are in that condition. As the repatriation process is delayed, the Rohingyas are getting involved in various crimes in the camps. That is definitely a concern for us. If the Rohingyas are not repatriated, terrorism will naturally rise. Rohingyas are involved in all the terrible crimes including murder, rape, drug trafficking, child trafficking, robbery, kidnapping, prostitution. Those concerned say that the repatriation process is suspended mainly for four reasons. Myanmar itself does not want to take back the Rohingyas, the NGOs working on the Rohingyas do not want it, Islamic fundamentalist groups do not want it, and the way Myanmar avoids taking back the Rohingyas is secretly supported by big powers like the United States and Russia. Even global organizations like the World Bank have made bizarre proposals to assimilate the Rohingyas with the main population of Bangladesh. Currently, 1.1 million Rohingyas are sheltered in Bangladesh. The international community has been expressing sympathy for them and solidarity with Bangladesh for sheltering the Rohingyas on humanitarian grounds and repatriating the Rohingyas to their homeland. Myanmar authorities have agreed to take back the Rohingyas in the face of international pressure. They did not take back the Rohingyas even after two rounds of time. India, China, USA and Russia have no initiative to solve the Rohingya crisis. However, a resolution was passed at the United Nations last Friday, emphasizing on a sustainable solution to the ongoing crisis by repatriating the Rohingya refugees to Myanmar and ensuring justice and accountability for this population. Earlier, on December 22 last year, for the first time, a resolution was passed by the UN Security Council condemning the repression of the Myanmar army. Bangladesh is raising the issue of Rohingya crisis strongly in various forums of the world as a part of regular diplomacy, but everyone is listening quietly, no response or action is seen. Citizens of neighboring Myanmar have been sheltered in Bangladesh for humanitarian reasons. The additional responsibility of this large number of people is definitely a big burden for Bangladesh. A political solution to the Rohingya issue is essential for lasting peace, stability and security in the region.

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