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Development in the power sector


Development in the power sector

Artha Sarokar

१८ भाद्र २०८०, सोमबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: ४ मिनेटभन्दा कम


In today’s age, people depend on electricity every moment. Since the invention of electricity, the progress of human civilization has been rapid. Today the contribution of electricity in human life is very important because we feel the need of electricity every moment.

Electricity is closely related to modern human life. We cannot imagine life without electricity now. Without electricity, modern life is unsustainable. People have made a radical change in their daily life by harnessing the power of electricity. Whether people live in villages, towns or cities, electricity is their constant companion.

The good news is that Bangladesh is now in the age of 100% electricity. This is as a result of the concerted efforts of public leader Sheikh Hasina. This achievement is undoubtedly a great achievement for any country. The present government has taken special initiative in power generation after coming to power and has achieved significant success. The government continues to set up new power plants. Its benefits are seen in the larger context. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s bold decisions and detailed plans are part of the massive success of the power sector.

Rural electrification has had a major positive impact on the agricultural economy. The use of modern machinery has increased in agricultural production. It has created a new way of livelihood. But if electricity is affordable and uninterrupted, it will contribute more to economic growth.

In 2008, the vision of the current government was to ensure electricity for all by 2021. Sheikh Hasina’s government has done that with success. The entire country has come under 100% electrification. Especially remote grasslands and some isolated areas, where electricity was initially reached through solar power and generators, now have uninterrupted power facilities through submarine cables. All areas of the country are covered by 100% electricity, including grid-off-grid. Electricity has brought great success to the private sector across the country. The country’s mega project Metrorail is running on electricity.

According to Power Cell data, the number of power plants in the country was 27 in 2009. At present the number of power plants is 150. In 2009, the power generation capacity was 4 thousand 942 MW. At present the production capacity is 25 thousand 235 MW. At that time, the number of electricity customers in the country was one crore and eight lakhs. At present the number of subscribers is 4 crore 14 lakh. The transmission line was eight thousand circuit kilometers, now it has increased to 13 thousand 213 circuit kilometers. Per capita power generation was 220 KWh, now it has increased to 560 KWh.

The development that has taken place in the power sector during the tenure of the present government is in one word unbelievable. According to the data of the department, before the current government came to power in 2009, the highest power generation in the country was 3268 MW. In 2023, electricity production has increased to 15 thousand 626 MW.

Earlier, customers had to wait for a long time after applying for electricity connection. But that hasn’t happened in recent years. The workers at the field level have worked sincerely to bring all the people under the electricity service. All the applications received for electricity connection in all distribution companies and companies have been connected. Apart from this, those who did not apply were connected with the help of local public representatives or through campaigns including miking in the area. The government has instructed to maintain the glory of 100% electrification by protecting the continuity of electricity connection as soon as possible to the new buildings-houses-factories that are being built or will be built.

There were many obstacles in the way of 100% electrification. Achieving this within the stipulated time frame is the result of everyone involved from power generation to distribution working as a team.

Among South Asian countries, Bangladesh has been able to reach 100% of people with electricity. India, our neighboring country, has yet to provide electricity to 100% of its population. Power has also reached Sandwip, Rangabali Island. Even the people of that region once did not want to believe that they will get electricity. Uninterrupted power supply arrangements have been made to Hatia Nijhum Island. Electricity has also been delivered to many remote grazing areas of Yamuna, Teesta.

Sheikh Hasina’s determination to illuminate every house in Bangladesh with electricity is visible today. He has delivered electricity to every house in the country. Under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has come out of darkness and has come to the path of light.

Bangabandhu has earned a place in people’s hearts by fulfilling the promises she made to people. Awami League believes in work, that’s why 17 crore people of Bangladesh have confidence in Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina. Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina will once again get the responsibility of running the country with the support of the people.

Hamro Parto AD

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