On Tuesday, the share price of Sonapur Minerals and Oil Limited experienced a negative circuit. Even on the third day since it started trading on NEPSE, Sonapur’s share price has encountered a negative circuit.
On Tuesday’s pre-opening session, Sonapur’s share price opened at Rs. 283.50, a decrease of 10% from Rs. 255.20, and remained stable at Rs. 255.20.
On the first day of trading in the second market, Sonapur’s share price dropped from Rs. 350 to Rs. 315. Similarly, on the second day, its share price also experienced a negative circuit. The share price of Sonapur decreased by 10% from Rs. 315 to Rs. 283.50.
The company had issued an IPO at a face value of Rs. 100 per share with a premium of Rs. 137.58. The IPO was issued at Rs. 237.58. The company’s shares were listed on NEPSE on Ashoj 3. On the first day of trading in the secondary market, the opening range of the company’s shares was from Rs. 142.01 to Rs. 426.03.