After borrowers stopped coming, Abhiyan Laghubitta Wittiya Sanstha is also in debt. In the first quarter of the current fiscal year, the company incurred a loss of Rs 2 crore and 83 lakhs.
Due to the slowdown, borrowers who are unable to pay installments on time have left the microfinance struggle committee and Durga Prasai’s movement successful in the hope of getting their loans waived. They are leaving microfinance in the hope of getting the loan waived. Not only to waive the loan, but now the borrowers have also stopped coming in contact with microfinance. This is also the reason why microfinance is in debt distress.
According to the unaudited financial details made public by the microfinance for the first quarter, the interest income of the microfinance has decreased by 40.99 percent until Asar, while the commission income has also decreased by 58.69 percent. Similarly, during the review period, the total operating income of microfinance has decreased by 47 percent.
Along with the profit from microfinance, earnings per share (EPS) have also remained negative. During this period, microfinance had a negative income of Rs 45.37 per share. Similarly, the net worth per share is 99.6 percent. With a paid-up capital of Rs 25 crore, the microfinance’s reserve fund has a negative income of Rs 991,000.