Police have arrested a civil service employee in Udaypur on the charge of forgery. Guru Prasad Dhakal, 47, the nayab subba (non-gazetted first-class officer) of the Triyuga municipality, who was being searched for forgery, was apprehended on Monday.
He is accused of forging the signatures of people’s representatives and other employees for personal financial gain while serving in the revenue section of the local government. The District Police Office, Udaypur, confirmed his detention on Tuesday.
Following a complaint filed against Dhakal at the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority, he had been out of official contact. Mayor Bashanta Kumar Basnet said Dhakal’s arrest was based on a letter received from the CIAA.
Despite the issuance of an arrest warrant against Dhakal a month ago, his apprehension was delayed as he had been evading authorities. According to the District Police Office, Udaypur, he is under investigation.