Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha has published the financial details of the first quarter of the current fiscal year. Microfinance has earned a profit of 1 crore and 8 lakh rupees in the first quarter. This profit is 31.99 percent less than the previous year. In the same period of the previous year, microfinance had earned a profit of 1 crore 59 lakh rupees.
When the company’s own interest income and operating profit decrease, the net profit is affected. Microfinance’s own interest income has decreased from 7 crore 75 lakh rupees to 7 crore 14 lakh rupees. Similarly, the operating profit has been maintained at 1 crore 55 lakh, decreasing by 31.99 percent.
Similarly, microfinance’s impairment charge has increased from 2 crore 32 lakh rupees to 2 crore 50 lakh rupees. Currently, Mahila Laghubitta has a contract fund of 21 crore, 75 lakh, and 62 thousand rupees. A total of 22 crore and 54 lakh are in the jagged fund. Its distributable profit is seen as negative.
The cost of the institution’s fund is 10.11 percent, the NPL is 4.92 percent, and the base rate is 15.78 percent. Per share earnings are 20.01 rupees, while per share net worth is 217.70 rupees.