Nepal Insurance Company Limited has announced to give a 10.52 percent dividend to the shareholders from the profit of the last fiscal year.
The company’s board meeting has announced a 10 percent bonus share and 0.52 percent cash dividend for the purpose of tax and bonus shares, which will cost the company a total of 14 crores, 94 lakhs, 76 thousand, 5 hundred 39 rupees equivalent in bonus shares, and 78 lakhs, 67 thousand, 1 hundred 86 rupees in cash.
After the approval of the insurance committee and the company’s upcoming annual general meeting, the aforementioned dividend will only be distributed to the shareholders.
Last year, 8 percent of the bonus shares and 0.42 percent of the cash dividend were distributed from the mistake fund of this company, which has a total of 1 billion 49 crores.