On the first day of the week, Sunday, the stock market indicator NEPSE increased. Compared to Thursday, the NEPSE indicator has increased by 47.75 points, reaching 1907.95 points.
On Sunday, a total of 65,30,643 shares of 294 companies were bought and sold on NEPSE, resulting in a share transaction of over 2 billion rupees. Today, the highest business has been done by Sonapur Minerals and Oil Limited. This company has conducted a share transaction equivalent to 11 crore, 66 lakh, 67 thousand, and 260 rupees.
Similarly, on Sunday’s stock market, investors in Chyangdi Hydropower Limited have become wealthy. This company’s share price has hit a positive circuit. And, Investors in the stock market have lost more than any other in the Infinity Microfinance. The company’s share price has decreased by more than 2 percent.