Nirdhan Utthan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has reported a negative profit. In the first quarter of the current fiscal year, the unaudited financial report shows that Laghubitta has incurred a negative profit. During this period, Laghubitta had a negative profit of 14 crore and 30 lakh rupees. In the previous fiscal year, Laghubitta had earned a profit of 3 crores, 25 lakhs, and 50 thousand rupees.
The interest income on Laghubitta’s own funds has decreased by 10.41 percent in the month of Ashoj, while the own fee and commission have decreased by 28.60 percent. Similarly, other operations of LaghuVitta have decreased by 13.45 percent.
During the review period, the inactive loan of LaghuVitta increased by 7.14 percent to reach 12.35 percent. After the inactive loan increased, Laghubitta waived 38 crores and 80 lakhs of rupees in impairment charges. This is also the reason why Nirdhan Utthan Laghubitta’s profit has decreased in the first quarter of the current fiscal year.
Along with the profit, the earnings per share (EPS) of Laghubitta in the review period was also negative at Rs 21.90. Currently, the net worth per share of Laghubitta is Rs. 166.67.