On Thursday, The Nepse index, a measure of the share market increased. Compared to Wednesday, the Nepse index rise by 6.55 points, reaching 1994.60 points.
On Thursday, a total of 96 lakh, 37 thousand, and 455 shares of 300 companies were bought and sold on the Nepse, resulting in a share business of around 3 arba 15 crore. Today, Sonapur Minerals and Oil Limited had the highest share of business. This company had a share business of 16 crore, 4 lakh, 78 thousand, and 431 rupees.
On Thursday, the investment managers of Nepal’s largest profit-making company, Bottlers Nepal (Balaju) Limited, made the most profit in the share market. The share price of this company has seen a positive trend.
Investors in the stock market suffered the most losses on Wednesday. The share price of this company has decreased by more than 4 percent.