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Unilever holds its 30th annual general meeting


Unilever holds its 30th annual general meeting

Artha Sarokar

२७ मंसिर २०८०, बुधबार

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: १ मिनेटभन्दा कम


The 30th Annual General Meeting of Unilever Nepal Limited was successfully held today, chaired by the company’s Chairman, Mr. Dev Bajpai, and the Managing Director, Mr. Amlan Mukherjee, at Hotel Yak & Yeti, Kathmandu.

Unilever Nepal Limited has delivered unmatched dividend outputs and profit after tax (PAT) of NPR 1,834 million, which is a 19% increment compared to the previous year. Unilever Nepal’s shareholders benefited from the highest rates of dividends in the company’s history, with NPR 1,580 per equity share this year.

Unilever Nepal Limited is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year in Nepal with the theme “Harek ghar ma, harek maan ma,” resonating its presence with a wide range of loved brands and a product portfolio proliferated into Nepali households across Nepal.

Chairman of Unilever Nepal Limited, Dev Bajpai, thanked all the shareholders, regulators, employees, and other stakeholders and stated, ‘Low investments, loss of biodiversity, geopolitical confrontation, societal polarization, and cyber insecurity have been highlighted as global risks expected to sit around for a while. At home, we anticipate that the going may remain tough, but we are confident that we will manage it with the utmost diligence. Going forward, with Unilever Nepal Limited’s resilient supply chain and purposeful marketing with agile customer operations, we have plenty of opportunities to look forward to in the next fiscal year and beyond, breaking barriers of geography, procurement, human capital, technology, inclusivity, and sustainability.’

Amlan Mukherjee, Managing Director of Unilever Nepal Limited, stated that the company’s net profit after taxes stands at the highest in the past 10 years, with an increase to NPR 1,834 million this year from last year’s NPR 1,542 million.

He credited this achievement to the efforts towards localization of products, significant cost savings through efficiency, and most importantly, the unmatched consumer preference of UNL brands. Managing Director Amlan Mukherjee said,” Our balance sheet stands strong, with low gearing and strong operating cash flows being a rock solid base to endure market pushes over the past year.”

85% of Unilever Nepal Limited’s share is held by promoters, while the rest of the 15% is held by public shareholders.

Hamro Parto AD

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