The chief executive officer (CEO) of Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank, Bodhraj Devkota, has resigned from the position of CEO. Devkota resigned from the bank three weeks ago. Devkota’s resignation has been approved by the bank’s board of directors, effective May 1.
At the time of Devkota’s appointment as CEO of Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank, there were rumors that his term would not be completed. Likewise, he had resigned from the position of CEO with 14 months remaining in his term.
With Devkota’s resignation approved, the bank’s board of directors has assigned the responsibility of the CEO to the bank’s senior deputy CEO, Dipesh Lamsal.
Even though the responsibility of the CEO has been assigned to Lamsal for now, another individual is being sought for the position of CEO by another director of the bank. According to this director, if another CEO is found, Lamsal will not be given the responsibility. However, if another CEO is not found, Lamsal will continue to hold the position of CEO.