On Tuesday, the market indicator NEPSE decreased. In comparison to Monday, the NEPSE indicator has dropped by 30.05 points and reached 2030.10 points.
On Tuesday, when buying and selling 1 crore, 11 lakh, 85 thousand, and 712 shares of 305 companies in NEPSE, the share business crossed 4 crore.
Today, the business of Shivam Cement has also increased the most. The share business of this company has reached 16 crores, 11 lakhs, 7 thousand, 956 rupees, and 30 paisa.
Similarly, in Tuesday’s share market, Chirakhwa Hydropower has earned the most profit. The share price of this company has hit a positive circuit. Investors in Himalayan Hydropower suffered the most in the share market on Tuesday. The share price of this company has hit a negative circuit.