The Nepal Stock Exchange index increased on Tuesday, the third day of the trading week. Compared to Monday, the index rose by 20.62 points and reached 2080.12 points. The share market saw a transaction of over 6 billion and 11 crore worth of shares from 309 companies on Tuesday.
The highest business was also seen at Sonapur Minerals and Oil Limited today. The company had a share transaction of 21 crore, 49 lakh, 45 thousand, 8 hundred, 93 rupees, and 90 paisa.
Similarly, Karnali Development Bank earned the highest profit in Tuesday’s share market. The company’s share price saw a positive trend.
Investors at Dhaulagiri Microfinance Financial Institution lost more than anyone else in the stock market on Tuesday. The share price of this company has increased by more than 8 percent.